Banyan Wilds Exhibit
Location: Seattle, WA
Owner: Woodland Park Zoo
Structural Engineer: MLA Engineering
Phase I, Otters and Aviary
Phase II, Tigers and Sloth Bears
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Phase I: The Bamboo Forest Reserve exhibit included design of the concrete otter night quarters building, a tropical aviary, and a children’s play area. The design included the following site features: a steel-framed acoustic fence and otter barrier fence, concrete retaining walls, an overhead entry gate wood roof, a buried concrete LSS vault, tensioned-cable playground structures, and a shotcrete pool. The otter building is constructed of concrete walls with a wood roof. The building floor is a concrete structural slab and grade beams bearing on driven steel pipe pin piles. This slab design was required to limit the need for excavation and soil compaction, in order to protect the tree roots of an existing tree next to the new otter building.
Phase II: New structures include a Conservation Action Center, animal holding areas, training stations, viewing shelters, exhibits, and other supporting elements and structures. The Conservation Action Center is constructed on structural slabs and grade beams bearing on driven steel pipe pin piles, in order to limit the need for excavation and soil compaction so as to protect existing tree roots under the buildings. Phase II also included the renovation and expansion of the tiger holding area and the renovation of the bear viewing area. Site feature designs include shotcrete pools and features, fences, and animal barriers.