Tacoma, WA
Relocation to Freight-house Square Design & Second Platform Desgin
Location: Tacoma, WA
Owner: WSDOT, Rail Division, & Sound Transit
Structural Engineer: MLA Engineering

MLA Engineering (MLA) was retained as a subconsultant by Parsons-Brinckerhoff, Inc. to provide a condition assessment of the Freighthouse Square building, located at 2501 East D Street, Tacoma, Washington. This 1920s building, originally designed as a warehouse where materials could be loaded onto freight trains, is a timber post and beam structure. Additions over the following 20 years expanded the building eastward. MLA’s assessment and evaluation focused on the structural issues and extent of construction associated with re-using portions of the existing wood-framed superstructure and concrete foundations for supporting a significantly reconfigured building that would function as an Amtrak station.
MLA was responsible for structural design of a new second platform opposite the existing platform for the Amtrak Station relocation to the Freighthouse Square building in Tacoma Washington. As part of the project MLA designed the concrete platform, soldier pile retaining wall, MSE ramp wall and steel canopy structures. Project included many unique challenges along with coordinating with multiple transit agencies and abutting into an adjacent construction project.